
Monday, April 18, 2011

Sharecash Method #2

ShareCash is a revolutionary, next-generation upload site, where you get paid CASH for every download you get! We offer the highest payouts per download, as well as a set of great tools, tutorials, and support to get you earning in no time. Simply register, upload files, and let the cash start rolling in!

 Here's a Sharecash Method That Will Make You $10 dollars a day.
A Youtube account.
A Sharecash account.
The ability to learn and upload files.

Intelligence Level:1/5

Step 1:
First, You have to find a bunch of popular youtube videos. say 100,000 to 500,000 views, you don't want to go too popular, because then there may be 100's of videos about this, which lowers your chance of getting views.

Step 2:
Your going to download some sort of Youtube downloader, and then you are going to download each of the videos from youtube, start off with about 10. As each day goes by, download more, the more videos you have, the more money you will make.

Step 3:
You are now going to re-upload these videos to your Youtube account, add some nice keywords about the video and what it offers, try to make the video description as detailed as possible.

Step 4:
Now you are going to add your download links, if you have the real files, upload them to sharecash and put that link on it. If not, just upload a file that is 1-8 Mb in size, it depends on what you are uploading, but try to keep it low in size, maybe even compress it if you have to.

Step 5:
Finishing it up is very easy, Just simply save the changes to your video, and try to delete all the negative comments on it, so people think its legit, and then you should be making about 10-15 dollars a day.

Extra Money Options:
A while back I bought YouTool V3 from Eleqtriq, I used it to comment about 3 times at first, on all my videos, they are all different, positive comments that make downloaders assured that it works. I also bought a program a while back called Youtube Jumpstart. Youtube Jumpstart promotes your videos for you all over the internet, giving you an extra 300-500 views a day, yes the views are real, and I do get about 5 more dollars a day for using this.


Jacob said...

Download the offical sharecash tips ebook with tips and tricks –

kNOwLeDgE said...

Hi nice tips. Recently I have compiled tips for making bucks from sharecash. You can visit my blog and get that ideas for free.

kyaminy06 said...

This should have been the Grand Prize winner. Much more visual and realistic than saving frogs on a log.


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